What is That Within You That the World Needs?
Have you ever asked that question? Is this question relevant to you? Do think you have a purpose? Do you need one? Do you yearn for a clearer purpose?
A purpose is not a goal but a journey. We believe that goals are illusiory and only the journey is real. Having a purpose nevertheless helps with goalsetting and prioritizing. Helps to develop one of our most important capacities: to say NO.
The decision to find our purpose is the answer to The Call. Your Hero’s Journey starts with The Call that our hero – that is you! – decides to answers. Well, first maybe you refused to answer to the call, maybe many years have passed, but this time you might decide to answer The Call
My purpose is to be your guide on your Inner Journey. This is your quest that lead you through your inner world. Yes, there might be dragons there, but you will also find the treasure, your Higher Purpose there. Are you intrigued?
Is it time to find out what does the world need from you?
Send me a DM.