What is that within your that the world needs? Have you ever asked that question? Is this question relevant to you? Do you have a purpose? Do you want one? Do you need one? At Purpose&Play we think so. In our co-creative coaching sessions we are connecting our clients with their purpose in life.
A purpose is not a goal but a journey. We believe that goals are illusory and only the journey is real. Having a purpose nevertheless helps with goal-setting and prioritizing. Helps to...
We are in a trance state growing up. Before age 7 our brain works on a different frequency than in our adult life and what we experience goes straight onto “The Tape” - our recording of What Life Is. In adulthood most of the time we just play and re-play The Tape.
Unresolved issues from childhood can create situations when we feel we cannot connect. Cannot connect to ourselves, cannot connect to others or to the moment. In these situation most of the time we cannot even tell what is wrong or why. We don’t know why we don’t know why!
If you have experienced how destructive your inner voices can be then you can imagine how powerful allies they could be - if only they were on your side! Our voices in our mind are there for a reason. They are our sub-personalities; Jungian archetypes with important messages. They want to support us but if they are not heard out they can be disturbing. We all have developed ways of arguing with the voices every day. Now we know that does not help.
Instead of arguing we can find a way to make peace with them by using co-creative meditation. This technique works with guided relaxation where we listen to your inner voices one by one by accessing the...
“Itwas the best of times, it was the worst of times”. She was succeeding as an artist in her craft, earning recognition from all over the world. Yet, on the inside she was scared. Events that scarred her during her childhood still haunted her and were affecting her life. She was alienating her business and romantic relationships by reacting to them with the rage of the child who had been beaten, and angry and sad that no one had defended her.
But that had happened in the past, and this was the present. If her mother attempted to beat her now, she wouldn’t be as afraid as when she was a child, since she would now have the ability as an adult to defend herself
The first step for her, and anyone else with this dilemma, is to realise...